Enea Abbaticchio
scholarship under DM351/2022 (NRRP Research)
e-mail: e.abbaticchio@student.unisi.it

Project title: On the trail of Francesco Fanelli (Florence 1577 – Paris? c. 1663). Considerations on the Florentine late Mannerist sculptural context between Genoa and London roughly in the first half of the 17th century

Abstract: Research will consist in a monographic study of the sculptor Francesco Fanelli (Florence, 1577 – Paris? c. 1663). The study aims to examine how the leading sculptors active in Florence at the time shaped the artist; it will then explore how he moved to Genoa, where he collaborated with the Lombard sculpture workshops active in the city, and then crossed the Channel to work in the service of King Charles I and the leading English lords. Research will also focus on the revival and circulation of Florentine late Mannerist sculptural models outside the Grand Duchy. By virtue of his training, Fanelli represents an interesting case study that allows us to also assess to what extent his works influenced those of his Ligurian colleagues.

Supervisor: Alessandra Giannotti (The University for Foreigners in Siena)
Co-supervisor: Gianluca Amato (The University of Siena)


Mattia Giancarli
scholarship under DM351/2022 (NRRP research)
e-mail: m.giancarli@student.unisi.it

Project title:  The workshop of the Alberti family between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Abstract: Research aims to reconstruct the pictorial, graphic and engraving activity of the Alberti family. Originally from Sansepolcro and present in Rome and important sites in central Italy, the family is widely documented from the mid-sixteenth century to the first decades of the seventeenth century. Following the activity of Alberto and his sons Alessandro, Giovanni and Cherubino, as well as of their cousin Durante, the study will analyze the close network of relations that tied the family to some of the most prestigious patrons of the time, such as pontiffs and religious orders, and to the main protagonists of the arts scene, especially of contemporary Rome and Florence and of the previous generation. Particular attention will be paid to the Alberti family’s large graphic collection, which is now mainly stored at the Gabinetto dei Disegni e delle Stampe of the Uffizi in Florence and at the Istituto Centrale per la Grafica in Rome; for the first time these will be the subject of a systematic study, which will also entail exploration of major European graphic institutes.

Supervisor: Alessandro Angelini (The University of Siena)
Co-Supervisor: Alessandra Giannotti (The University for Foreigners in Siena)


Lorenzo Mencattini
e-mail: lorenzo.mencattini@student.unisi.it

Project title:  The Church of San Giorgio in Siena. From the Congregation of the Holy Nails to the eighteenth-century renovation (16th-18th century)

Abstract: The history of the Church of San Giorgio in Siena from the end of the 16th century can be divided into three periods. San Giorgio was the seat of the Congregation of the Holy Nails, founded by Matteo Guerra, who was in contact with illustrious members of the ecclesiastical establishment, such as St. Philip Neri and Federigo Borromeo, and of the artistic community, such as Francesco Vanni. In 1666, at the behest of Pope Alexander VII, the Archiepiscopal Seminary was established on the premises of San Giorgio. This strengthened the link between the Sienese institution and the Rome of the time. Lastly, in the first decades of the eighteenth century, Giovan Pietro Cremona completed the structural renovation commissioned by Cardinal Anton Felice Zondadari.

The research project aims to investigate the historical-artistic aspects of the church that had an impact on the city itself, as documented in the public and private archives of the city of Siena (State Archives, the Archiepiscopal Archives, Seminary Archives and the Archives of the Chigi Zondadari family).

Supervisor: Alessandro Angelini (The University of Siena)
Co-Supervisor: Tomaso Montanari (The University for Foreigners in Siena)


Marianna Paci
scholarship under DM351/2022 (NRRP research)
e-mail: marianna.paci@student.unisi.it

Project title:  On the trail of Flaminio del Turco: Sienese decorator and architect between the 16th and 17th centuries

Abstract: This research project focuses on the figure of Flaminio del Turco, a Sienese artist appearing in records from the early 1680s onward, both as a sculptor and as an architect. Until now, critics have focused more on the artist’s sculptural production than on his involvement in architecture. For this reason, the first part of the study aims to take a fresh look at the construction sites in which Flaminius appears to have been involved, considering both sculptural and architectural achievements. Research will have to accompany the analysis of monumental and artistic remnants with an investigation of the documentary sources preserved in the State Archives of Siena and the Diocesan Archives of Siena.  The study will subsequently look at the Roman context, to verify the hypothesis that the artist spent some time in the city.

Supervisor: Gabriele Fattorini (The University of Florence)
Co-Supervisor: Tomaso Montanari (The University for Foreigners in Siena)


Silvia Piffaretti
e-mail: s.piffaretti@student.unisi.it

Project title: Ugo Carrega’s exhibition spaces in Milan and the development of New Writing: from the Tool Center (1971-1973) to the Salt Market (1974-1990)

Abstract: The project aims to study the verbal and visual arts experimentation that flourished in Milan between 1971 and 1990 thanks to two self-managed exhibition centers founded by Ugo Carrega (Genoa, 1935 – Milan, 2014): the Tool Center (1971-1973) and the Salt Market (1974-1990). The objective is to reconstruct the history of exhibition events in these spaces, a cradle of experimentation on a national and international level that promoted the dissemination of works of word research; in particular, it will look at the concept of New Writing, following the 1974 publication of the manifesto Fra significante e significato. The study will conclude with an in-depth analysis of collector Paolo Della Grazia’s establishment of the Archive of New Writing (1988), an ideal continuation of previous experiences.

Supervisor: Caterina Toschi (The University for Foreigners in Siena)
Co-Supervisor: Alessandra Acocella (The University of Parma)


Veronica Ragozzi
e-mail: veronica.ragozzi@student.unisi.it

Project title: Funerary monuments and their evolution in Umbria between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries

Abstract: Research aims to study funerary monuments from the second half of the 15th century to the first half of the 16th century present in the Umbrian area. The area is an interesting crossroads of artists, workshops and manners deriving from the Lombard area, as attested by the presence of Andrea Bregno, Luigi Capponi and Ambrogio Barocci, the Florentine area, as testified by the activity of Agostino di Duccio, and the Croatian coast, as testified by the works of Giovanni Dalmata. The aim of research is to clarify the local artistic relevance of monuments that are too often neglected or forgotten and to try to highlight the importance of the effigies, historical figures belonging to notable local families, as well as significant references to the culture of their time. In a broader perspective, the study will also investigate the development of funerary typologies between the 15th and 16th centuries in these territories, bordering Rome and Florence, and their adaptation to local needs and taste.

Supervisor: Laura Cavazzini (The University of Trento)
Co-Supervisor: Gabriele Fattorini (The University of Florence)